(go PREVIOUS policy) / (go NEXT policy)


To ensure that parents/guardians are informed about the opportunities available to them to communicate with centre staff regarding the education and care of their child; to be involved in the service; to have access to information relating to fees, Ministry of Education funding and the Strategic and Annual Plan for Kidz Corner Miramar. (Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008 Regulation 47 Governance, management, and administration standard: general (1)(b)(i),(d)).


This Policy applies to adult (staff or other adult) to child abuse. Abuse relating to child-to-child or child-to-adult is not within the scope of this Policy.

  1. The centre will provide a supportive induction process for new parents (refer Settling in and Transition Policy) (Criteria GMA2, GMA3, GMA4).
  2. The centre will provide a warm, welcoming environment where parents and families/whānau are encouraged to discuss their child/children’s day to day happenings (Criteria GMA3).
  3. Parents and families/whānau are welcome to write, phone, email and talk to us. Sometimes it may be necessary to arrange a time to talk – please do not hesitate to do this (Criteria GMA2).
  4. Parents are welcome to approach teachers on an individual basis if they would like to attend a formal meeting to discuss their child's profile, progress, interest’s and abilities (Criteria GMA3).
  5. Children will have access to their own profiles at any time. Children's profiles are available to be taken home. We welcome parent and family input to their children’s learning on Educa and in profiles and value stories and photographs of events that occur outside the centre (Criteria GMA2).
  6. Parents will be kept up to date with centre happenings, meetings, events etc. through newsletters, Educa and the parent’s notice board.
  7. Newsletters, notices to parents, invoices, and community notices will be placed in children’s pockets above the lockers by the front entranceway and in the pockets above the under two’s lockers.
  8. Copies of the Centre Licence, Fees Schedule, Annual Report, Audited Accounts, Strategic and Annual Plan, Centre Policies, current Education Review Office Report and Charitable Trust Deed will be displayed for parents information at all times. A copy of the Centre Fees Schedule is included in the new parent enrolment pack (Criteria GMA3).
  9. The centre reviews its policies and procedures on a two-yearly cycle. Parents are invited to participate in the review process through the centre's newsletter, notice board and Educa. The Trust Board and Management will also identify areas of practice or management for review in the centre annual plan. Parents will be invited to participate in these review processes (Criteria GMA4).
  10. Parents are encouraged to have input into the centre through membership of the Trust Board, Reviewing of Policies and Procedures, Working Bees, Family Teas, staff/parent meetings, the Annual General Meeting and annual Christmas function (Criteria GMA3).